Well ya'll I took a vacation last week that's why its been so quiet around here. Parker and I took a trip to Spokane to visit my folks. We had a great time and if you follow me on Instagram you saw some of those moments. One of the stops we made was the Mobius Kids Museum in downtown Spokane. It's actually in the Mall downtown. We have something similar here in Baltimore, but not as cute! There is also a Science center which by the looks of the photos on Facebook it's super fun as well. It's a whopping $6 for adults and kids under 4!! are free.

First love of the day was the water table. This kid is like a MOTH TO A FLAME ya'll. She played by far the most here. There is also a table with dirt and water and trucks and I was not having it. She was wearing white ;)

She also kept wanting to drink the water. You can only imagine how I felt about that.

Grocery shopping. And flower picking which Parker quickly realized they were not real!

They have a big house where you can cook and shop and flower pick etc. There is also a slide. Parker must have went down it a hundred times.

To get up to the slide there is a ladder that is straight up and down. I thought there was no way she was getting up it. She has a hard enough time climbing stairs. My step mom asked where she was and I said ohhh playing in the house. Nope. She is 20 months remember that!
Next there is a under 3 area. Which eh Parker is a little too big for, but there was RICE and the TRAINS where in there. I was a little nervous she was going to trample the small kids.

There is also a traffic and driving area, an electricity area, bee hive and a dress up and puppet show.

Where's Parker?

Several tables of Lincoln logs, block and crayons.

So if you are in the area and looking for something to do indoors I highly recommend it! Link is up top if you need more info.