Saturday, June 1, 2013

Parker at 12 Months + Final Baby Book Layouts

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We made it folks!  Parker turned one this past thursday.  I told her she survived Mommy's first year.  What a year it has been that's for sure!  We ended the year at 25lbs and 31" long roughly.  We will know for certain at her 12 month appointment.

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We outgrew every onesie we had.  So we had to finish out the photos in a white shirt.  She wasn't having the baby legs and kept ripping them off.  Oh well.  She is such a fire cracker.  She has a big personality.  I have NO IDEA where she got that from ;)

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she looks like a pirate here.  kills me.

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I wrapped up her monthly layouts for her baby book!  Month 11 and 12 here.  Made with American Crafts Neapolitan. I am super proud of myself for staying on track and getting all these layouts done and done on time!  Her book is pretty amazing.  I also have an 100lb (certainly feels like it) project life album filled with all those photos I probably won't scrap from her first year.  I need to get it together and photograph for ya'll.

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